My 'ethos' is to encourage children, to learn through the medium of play, and to provide a stimulating and caring environment, in which they can explore and learn about their world.
All activities that I provide, will be linked to the Early Years Foundation Stages (EYFS) framework, to ensure that your child is given the best possible start in life, and to ensure that they are given every opportunity to achieve their full potential in this important development stage.
Each activity will have a clear 'Characteristic of Effective Learning' (CoEL) attached to it, which will be recorded as part of their daily diary, which the parent can view via their child's account at the end of each day.
Additionally, I provide the opportunity for the parent to highlight and add their own 'Next Steps', which will form part of the child's 'Individual Learning plan', as well as the option to add their own 'Observations' to those already recorded by myself.
'Nap' times for those children that require them, will be agreed in advance with the parent, along with the child's daily routine as not to interfere or conflict with their home life.
Birth to 5
I have a selection of age appropriate resources for the children to use.
ICT - Mac Computer
iPad - Keystage apps
Forest School
Network Playgroups
Huff & Puff Games
Network outings
Dressing up
Water play

Early Years Time-table
Parents can drop their children to the setting from 7am - 8am
8am - 8.30am
Breakfast Club
Breakfast is served to children attending school or remaining in my care.
School Drop-off
Children attending School will be delivered to their classroom or teacher.
9.00am - 11.30am
Childminder group or Forest School
Every Tuesday & Thursday (during Term time), your child will be introduced to other children of an equivalent age in order to gain confidence and interact in a fun and stimulating group play session.
12.00pm - 1.00pm
Lunch time
Lunch will be served during this time.
1.00pm - 2.30pm
Activity time
I will provide an activity which is directly related to your child's area of learning as required by the EYFS or follow a particular 'individual learning plan' which has been agreed with the parents and record this in the child's 'daily diary'.

School Collection
Children are collected from their classroom or pre-appointed meeting place for children in year 3 and above
4.00pm - 5.00pm
Activity time 2
I will provide an activity which is directly related to your child's area of learning as required by the EYFS or follow a particular 'individual learning plan' which has been agreed with the parents and record this in the child's 'daily diary'.
Evening Dinner is served
Meals are served to those that require them whilst the other children are given freetime to choose their own activity.
Free-time and Collection
Children are allowed to choose their own activity during this time which is when parents start to arrive to collect their children.