After School Care Hygiene
Before the beginning of each session, all tables and chairs will be cleaned with Dettol Surface cleaner, and allowed to dry.

All other playroom and household frequently touched surfaces, door handles and banister, will be cleaned with bleach free Sani+ Surface wipes.

As the children return to the setting from school, each one will enter the property, hang up their coat, then enter the playroom, where they will deposit their shoes and school bags into their individual storage box.
The children will be directed to wash their hands, singing the 20 second hand washing song, whilst their box is being removed into the hallway.

Describe your image

At the start of the session, an enjoyable craft or similar activity, will be ready and waiting on their desk.
Depending on the activity in question, the desk may be arranged slightly closer together than normal, still observing 1 metre apart where possible, whilst at the same time, maintaining a 'feeling' of togetherness.
Each Child has their own 'drawer', which has been stocked with the following individual arts, craft & hygiene items:
1 x box of facial tissues
1 x scissors (Microban protected)
1 x ruler
1 x eraser
1 x glue stick
12 x felt tip pens (washable)
12 x coloured pencils
all the things that at some point, during the day, will end up being chewed upon... it just happens.

As the children move between activities, they will be 'encouraged' to wash their hands, or to use the 'alcohol free' hand sanitiser provided, throughout the setting.
Usage will be overseen by myself, or my 'Official HandSan Monitor', who has proven to be very effective in this department.
When finished, the drawers will be returned to their storage cupboard.
Items in these drawers are not to be shared between the children.
Each child has exactly the same, and I have additional to resupply as required.

After dinner, and wiping hands clean, the tables and chairs will be moved into their storage area, opening up the room for imaginative free play time.

Class Dojo allows the children to create, their own 'journals', by sharing images and videos direct with 'you', and in return, you can congratulate them by way of comments, which I will then share with the children. On a positive note, if your child's school class has already signed up for 'Class Dojo', then all you have to do is enter my code, and both the school and my setting with show up in the same app.
The children are assigned their own pet monster, (that's mine over there on the right), which they gain access to, by scanning the QR code on the door. Each child only gets to see their own account, although they can share their stories with the 'classroom'.
Further information can be found, by clicking the Class Dojo link.