My 'ethos' is to encourage children to learn through the medium of play, and to explore their own boundaries through activities, which push the norm and expand their thinking process.
Experience has taught me, that by linking 'our' topics and activities to those being taught in school, the children quickly identify the two as the same and are less likely to interact with the said activity - after all, their working day is done after the last school bell.
I have introduced the children to a new system called 'brainfeed', and I am using this to engage the children, in 'One Week' activities which pushes them beyond their 'recognised' level of learning, and well into secondary school level..Now whilst this might seem strange, the thinking behind the concept is quite simple.
By 'feeding the brain' with new information and not repeating information they are being taught in school, the children show high levels of interest, as children in this age group quite literally soak up information. Whilst it is understood that they may not fully understand everything they are being taught, the hope is that at some stage during their school life when these topics do arise, the children will already have at least a basic knowledge of them and will be able to relate back the their learning with me.
The learning aspect will consist of short introductory videos which introduce and explain each 'topic' and then some fun activities which further aid the understanding at an age appropriate level.
5 + After School
Class Dojo - Create a positive culture - Give students a voice
ICT - Mac Computer
iPad - Educational apps
Wii U - Sports Activities
Huff & Puff Games
Video Library

After School Time-table
School Collection
Children are collected from their classroom or pre-appointed meeting place for children in year 3 and above
Snack Time
Children are given an opportunity to have fruit and bottled spring water.
Activity Time
Children will have the opportunity and encouraged to participate in one of our activities.Children who are 'too tired' will be given the opportunity to have some quite time in a separate room with a more relaxing pastime.
Evening Dinner is served
Meals are served to those that require them whilst the other children are given freetime to choose their own activity.
Free-time and Collection
Children are allowed to choose their own activity during this time which is when parents start to arrive to collect their children.